This is a Fat Burning Furnace Scam WARNING

“You Aren't the Only One Who Wants to Know What's Inside the Fat Burning Furnace!!”

Update: Because of the fact that there are a lot of hyped up reviews online, You have got to make sure you get your Fat Burning Furnace Review from a very reliable place. This particular review was featured on ABC 13, ABC 7 Chicago, 6 ABC, CBS 3, CBS 2 Chicago, WCBS TV. Many Different News Sites.

Rob Poulos is apart of the company Zero to Hero Fitness, LCC and he is the creator of the Fat Burning Furnace diet program.

This specific diet program has been advertised to be able to overcome any other fad weight loss regimen with its patented system.

In addition to losing weight, building up muscle is also a goal in FBF, as well as increasing your resting metabolic rate, or RMR. RMR is concept from where the “Fat Burning Furnace” originated from.

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Because of the fact that it makes a lot of promises to dieters in concern to helping them lose weight and build muscle, a lot of them are skeptical of the Fat Burning Furnace and immediately assume it to be a scam.

No diet plan or system is created to be absolutely perfect for all who use it, and none at all would even work a bit unless the dieter actually puts effort into it and does their due diligence to get the most from it. If you are motivated and focused enough to lose weight, and if you are able to keep up with the regimen, then the Fat Burning Furnace diet can most definitely work for you.

The Basics of the Fat Burning Furnace Diet

The Fat Burning Furnace created by Rob Poulos is comprised into 158 pages to outline all his weight loss concepts. The Fat Burning Furnace system focuses on burning fat and building up muscle mass, as well as speeding up your resting metabolic rate.
Because you will increase your metabolic rate it is going to help you burn fat even when your body is resting, and this is a big reason why the program was named the “Fat Burning Furnace.”

The Book Outlines The Diet In 35 of It’s Pages.

Much of the advice in the book includes:
•  Staying away from fad diets and their marketing hype
•  Food recommendations to maximize fat loss

•  Ways to keep track of your food intake

•  Foods that give the nutrients your body needs

•  An outline on many common perceptions about proper nutrition

•  Sample meal plans, as well as a web site where dieters can get many free recipes from

Some of these pages include planners which the reader can tear out and fill out on his own.
This can help you (the dieter) keep track of how well the Fat Burning Furnace system is working out for you. Another helpful feature to go along with the organizer is a body fat percentage chart, which is basic enough for new dieters to utilize easily.

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Part of what makes a successful diet plan is the exercise that goes with it.

The diet portion of the Fat Burning Furnace book includes:
•  Short workouts that can be performed in as little as 20 minutes a day, three times a week
•  Full body exercises and specific workouts, which can be performed at the dieter’s desired pace

  Detailed descriptions, illustrations, and guides of the said exercises

  A break-in routine for dieters who haven’t exercised for a long period of time

  2 hours of video, should you opt for the Blow Torch system to go along with the book

The short nature of the exercises and the special section for new dieters make this particular diet a flexible option. Many of the exercises focus on tiring all of the muscles out in order to make the most out of the increased metabolism that the Fat Burning Furnace system is designed to optimize.

The author also stresses that a long cardio workout is not required for the Fat Burning Furnace diet to be effective. Poulos states that “long and frequent cardio or aerobic workouts from quick weight loss programs are among the worst ways to burn fat.”

 Is the Fat Burning Furnace System a Scam?

Some of the statements on the official Fat Burning Furnace website can be considered controversial. One of these is the statement about cardio workouts, which have been scientifically proven time and time again to deliver benefits to one’s health, fat burning ability, or otherwise. The many purchase options consumers have when buying into the Fat Burning Furnace system is also a topic of much-heated debate.


These purchase options include:

1. The Deluxe Package – This package includes the Fat Burning Furnace book, either in physical or digital form. You will also get a 3-month coaching program through e-mail.
2. The Ultimate Package – While it may not cost any more than the Deluxe Fat Burning Furnace package, buyers will get additional online tools and guides in the Ultimate Package: a body fat analyzer and a Metabolic Rate Calculator. A detailed, printable progress tracker is also included, as well as 12 months of online coaching rules through e-mail.
3. The BlowTorch Package – With this package, buyers not only get the Fat Burning Furnace book, but also a digital manual and nearly 2 hours of weight loss-inducing video. In the videos, the author himself performs all of the exercises in his home gym. This package retails for about $70.

With all the goodies you get free of charge when opting for the Ultimate Package, the Fat Burning Furnace is truly not a scam at all. Skeptics weary of the claims the author makes may not be swayed by many of the marketing terms and hype on the official website, though.

Like any diet plan, however, you may have to try out the Fat Burning Furnace diet yourself to see if it really works for you. But… I bet you will be pleasantly surprised!

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